Saving Lives

The single most important marker of high risk for developing breast cancer.


As part of a multimodal approach, 95% of early stage cancers will be detected.


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Star Risk Assessment

Star risk assessment technology in ID near 83669

At Precision Thermography, we provide Star risk assessment services to help you understand your risk of developing breast cancer. We use advanced techniques, such as thermography, to detect heat patterns that may indicate underlying breast issues.

During a thermographic exam, the patient stands in front of a special thermal camera, which captures heat patterns from the body’s surface. These patterns are analyzed by a computer to create a thermogram, which is a visual map showing variations in temperature.

Unlike mammography, thermography does not involve compression of the breasts or exposure to radiation.

Our Star risk assessment includes a comprehensive breast thermography exam, personalized risk analysis, and detailed information about your risk factors and recommendations for further evaluation or preventive measures.

We aim to help women take proactive measures toward managing their breast health with Star risk assessment. Contact us today for:

  • Breast cancer risk assessment
  • Thermography breast exam
  • Cancer risk analysis
  • Thermography for breast health

Call Precision Thermography today for a Star risk assessment to identify and mitigate your risk of breast cancer.

(208) 812-5430

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