Saving Lives

The single most important marker of high risk for developing breast cancer.


As part of a multimodal approach, 95% of early stage cancers will be detected.


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Eagle Risk Assessment

Eagle risk assessment technology in ID near 83616

When you come to Precision Thermography, we’ll offer you an Eagle risk assessment that identifies and assesses breast cancer risk factors. Our mission is to empower individuals with personalized risk management strategies using infrared technology.

During your Eagle risk assessment, we analyze infrared images to evaluate breast health. This method offers a non-invasive and radiation-free approach to risk assessment and early detection.

Thermography is also typically cheaper than a mammogram, making it a good option for women who need an affordable way to monitor their breast health over time.

Our Eagle risk assessment program involves both infrared imaging techniques and a comprehensive risk evaluation process. We provide valuable insights into breast cancer risks that can inform treatments and help individuals reduce their risk of breast cancer. Contact us today for:

  • Infrared breast imaging
  • Non-invasive risk evaluation
  • Early breast cancer detection
  • Precancer risk management

Visit Precision Thermography today for your Eagle risk assessment!

(208) 812-5430

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