Saving Lives

The single most important marker of high risk for developing breast cancer.


As part of a multimodal approach, 95% of early stage cancers will be detected.


Browse answers to frequently asked questions about breast thermography.

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In loving memory of my mother (Ann Danes - March 2020) and my sister (Annette Hiatt - July 2019) who were both victims of breast cancer. May we always be side by side.
In loving memory of LaNita’s mother (Ann Danes - March 2020) and her sister (Annette Hiatt - July 2019) who both passed away due to metastatic breast cancer. May we always walk side by side.

Precision Thermographyis a division of Vance Medical 

1001 N. Meridian Rd.
Meridian, ID 83634
Phone: (208) 812-5430
Fax: (208) 717-9595

Please be sure to read and follow the pre-imaging instructions before coming to your appointment:

Feel free to ask any questions you may have. If you would like to speak directly with Precision Thermography, you can contact our office at (208) 812-5430.

We look forward to hearing from you.

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